Sorry to be gone for so long, but y’all are going to love this: I have/had strep throat AGAIN! And yes, it’s totally my fault. About halfway through my course of antibiotics I forgot to take them for about two days (I don’t know why, perhaps I have other things occupying my mind;) and when I remembered I thought…ah, it’s no big deal. But apparently it IS a big deal because I came down with it a second time in 2 weeks. Pretty amazing even for me.
(The doctor thinks perhaps the strain I have is penicillin resistant and has put me on a new course of antibiotics. He is also still amazed that I am the only one in the family to have it.)And in other news, Jenny of The Bloggess and Min of MamaDrama have joined forces in a new blog called Good Mom/Bad Mom - which is just as funny as you would expect, so check it out!
(and Jenny has these "magic" technorati powers and knows whenever anyone talks about her, so say only good things otherwise she will sic her cat killing vet on you:).