Friday, May 01, 2009

Probably Shouldn't Confuse This With Your Moisturizer

Especially not just before a job interview.

Posted by ShoZu


  1. at least it wasn't the warming or the tingling kind :D does that stuff work? i got the multi sample pack.

    it's yolanda again. this comment form HATES me.

  2. The way you wrote hat makes me think that someone has made that mistake...

  3. Did you take out your "moisturiser" during the interview? 'cos that would be very, very funny.

  4. Thanks for the warning. Good to know.

  5. That is pretty funny, please tell me you didn't get it out of your bag in front of people!

  6. I'd totally give you the job--

    thinking, "Geez, that lady seems like she'd be fun around the office!"

  7. Yikes!! It would be sure to, um, make the conversation quite interesting, I'd bet!

  8. If you did apply it to your face, it'd give a whole new meaning to "glowing" skin...just think how happy your pores would be!


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