Saturday, July 05, 2008

Bacon? Anyone?

My neighbors are moving out. They've lived here for 6 years and have aquired quite a bit of stuff to rid themselves of over the years. We have been the official dumping spot for all things to get rid of.

They've brought these:

And these:
Good to have.

And these:
How much fake ice does one need exactly?

And these:

We're crafty in this house.

And these:

Apparently they like ketchup and were super afraid of running out.

And these:
Pamela thought they were trying to poison us.

But the best of all was this:

Who knows the funniest part of this? That's right, we don't eat pork! How AWESOME that our neighbors know us so well.

Does anyone want any bacon?


  1. That's a lot of bacon for one family to have on hand! Who are you going to pass it on to since you don't eat pork?

  2. *drool* I LOVE bacon. I wish they were my neighbors.

  3. yummy bacon!!! baahahah..that is funny..but you did get some good stuff. The flowers are awesome.

  4. Judy - I'm still working on that one. My husband was supposed to be asking around, but if I don't get any takers my daughter says she'll eat it all (she's a liar...there's now way she'd eat it all).

    Alice - Peace Corps volunteers will eat anything:).

    Robin - The flowers ARE awesome! I was thrilled to get some of her garden stuff.

  5. You could put all that bacon together and sculpt a new pig. Crafty...and delicious. Then stuff it with cheeze, fry it and bring it to your other neighbors. They'll never know what to make of it.

  6. Girl I love me some bacon, send it on my way! lol That is quite a combination of things that they sent your way, I hope Pamela is wrong but I don't know if I was would eat that ketchup! You are too funny Kylie!

  7. wow, im actually the daughter of the guilty family who dumped all that bacon on you guys and even I don't know why we have so much bacon, I know I don't eat pork. Must have been my Dad. But the ketchup may have been me =)


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