I finished my environmental psychology class! I am SO relieved as that was a pain in the butt. Interesting subject matter, TERRIBLE instructor! Now it's Theories of Personality, which is also interesting but the more I study psychology the more I wonder what the heck I am going to do with this degree.
I've spent the past week packing up our lives into boxes. Time is zipping along as next week they come and take it all away. Hopefully it will get to Warsaw intact, but even if it doesn't we no longer have a lot of sentimental attachment to our "things".
Pamela has spent every weekend recording a CD with her friends Anna and Diane (pronounced Dee - ann). I wish I could attach the one song we have from all of this recording. It's pretty good, as long as you don't listen to the lyrics and realize that 3 12 year olds came up with them...
My other new past time is creating interesting dishes out of what we have left in our cabinets. If you've seen the very last episode of Friends where Monica created a pie out of cereal and other stuff left over, that's what it's like. Every day it's like, hmmm, what can I make with chicken breasts and cornstarch and dried cherries?...allrecipes.com!!!
We celebrated our 13th anniversary this week and I am amazed. It's wonderful, I feel like it hasn't been nearly that long and I've been crazy for most of it:). I have the most amazing husband (I know, how cliche) and I love him more and more as each year passes...
Well, I guess that's all I have for today. Until the movers come, I'm quite busy with the move. After that I will probably have lots of time to sit around and post blogs.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
17 hours ago
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