The pic is of Pamela and Seth waiting for the tram on the way there. Seth was in THE worst mood all day today, but the zoo did improve his mood. He wouldn't let me take many pictures of him though. He was being ornery.
I did learn why I see so few people on the tram with young children today. If they make noise, the old people stare at them like they are going to burn a hole right through them. I don't know why so many old people (women in particular) do not like children. Perhaps they think that when their children were small they didn't act like children. Memory is a funny thing...
Pamela and I have figured out the bus system like locals. We're pretty good now. A little too good, because people keep coming up and asking us for help. The locals do, I mean. We've figured out that no matter where we are we can take a bus to a stop we recognize and wind up getting back to the hotel somehow. It's not that complicated, but it can be daunting and terrifying if you don't speak the language.
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