Wednesday, January 07, 2009

We're BACK!

Hello Internets! I'm back to my rusty old desktop and mostly awake, but my goodness the jet lag is killer. So it will just be a short post for today, as I'm not sure I'll make a tremendous amount of sense.

Some highlights:

- In the Frankfurt airport, Dylan forgot to take his cell phone out of his pocket while going through security. This resulted in him being escorted to one of those little cubbies and a nice man with latex gloves coming to interrogate question him about his intentions. It's a very good thing that the Poles confiscated my scissors before I got to Frankfurt, otherwise the children would have been left to their own devices.

- On going back to Warsaw, I had an ongoing conversation with Tigger about liquids in her carry on. (Tigger CAME to Houston within .2 kilos/half a pound of her weight limit on suitcases - apparently she figured she wouldn't acquire anything during the trip.) Finally she relented (after several hours) and coughed up all of her makeup, shower gels, hair care products, etc. and put it in a suitcase. This from a child who makes regular flights through Europe (they're sticklers for the liquid thing). She was totally assuming that she could get through by telling them that all her make up and hair stuff was medicine. A little part of me wishes I had let her go through security in Frankfurt with all that stuff.

- Returning to 5 degree F Warsaw from Houston, where the temps were mostly in the 70's and 80's. Global warming has fooled me again.

And there will be more (oh, yes, there is always more). I'll be making the blog rounds today. I'm sure my google reader has over a billion unread items.


  1. I meant cos of the weather... :))

  2. oh thank God- we thought you'd been arrested!!!

  3. damn that Braja. She's fast this morning.

  4. Glad to hear the trip was eventful for you. Always make great stories later!

  5. Glad to hear that you made it back home safe and sound. But that cold weather -- ugh!

  6. Oh, thank GOD you're back! I was planning a rescue mission.

  7. Yay, glad you are back! But BOOOO to the icky cold weather. We aren't quite as cold here in the DC area (mid-30s F) but add in the cold rain and wind and...I'd rather be in Texas :-) Happy New Year!

  8. So, did you find the purse? :)

  9. hahaha.... medicine. that's awesome.

  10. great to see you back! we've missed you so much! thanks for sharing your travel story! if you're ever in San Francisco, let us know at fluxlife. we'll buy you and your family dinner at one of our tasty little restaurants in town!

    maybe not enough impetus to visit SF, but we thought we'd try!

    may this be your best New Year ever!

    -Steve @ fluxlife

  11. Welcome back - hope you had a good trip? On my last trip I only did carry-on and had a heck of a time limiting myslef to one quart-sized baggie of 3 oz containers.

  12. So glad you had a safe trip back! Can't wait to hear all about your trip!! and I told you but I don't know if you got it...I LOVE LOVE LOVE my little red sparkly wooden doll thingie!! Thanks so much!!

  13. You have to love the security in Europe! They wanted me to taste my bottled breastmilk - thankfully I was able to stuff the bottle in my son's mouth - yuck!

    Glad you're back sorry about the temp in Warsaw though!


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