Sunday, January 11, 2009

"My" Harley

She's pretty, no?

Sorry, there are no photographs of me riding her yet ("That's what she said!" Teehee, I'm 12). The only time I took her out was when I stole her because I was angry with my husband. And I didn't have my license yet, so I didn't want evidence that I was illegal - I'm generally not big on having evidence. The photographs of me will have to come, at this rate, in the summer.


  1. So, are you getting a black leather vest with Biker Mom on the back?

  2. Very nice. I look forward to pictures of you riding.

  3. The bike is fab!

    I must be 12 too because I laughed out loud at the "That's what she said!".

  4. It looks glamorous and dangerous. Wear a helmet. And a seatbelt. I'm also a little jealous. Mostly because I really like helmets.

  5. OMG...*wipes chin* I am drooling with envy!! Beautiful bike, Kylie! Yes, definitely don't leave a paper trail :-) but do post pics whenever you can! Happy riding!

    Remember, a bad day on the motorcycle beats a good day at the office (said to me by someone who saw me drop my bike on one of my first solo rides).

  6. wow. this is coolness! i'm inspired! that bike just looks like freedom! right on Kylie. you rock it the hardest! when's your biking trip?


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