It's always interesting to see what other people, particularly your children, see in the world. Here are some of her shots.
This one cracked me up. She's taking Rosetta Stone German right now in order to catch up to her peers so that she can take German 2 next year. She showed me this picture and said, "See this? It's called the Rosetta Stone! Isn't that cool?"
I think she only took this because it's written in English. In fact, I'm pretty sure that most of the pictures of signs were just because they were in English. This fact does not thrill me as much as it did her.
Yeah. Got no clue on this one either. We kind of alternate speaking British English and American English at home, so I don't know what was so thrilling about a lift. We use that word sometimes too.
I love her for this one. She hasn't told me about the pictures yet, but I know this one is for me. This is her way of saying that if we lived in London the chance of me getting hit by a car would be much less. Because not only do they HAVE bike lanes, there's a concrete barrier there. Sweet.
There is also an awesome short video of her friend flipping off the camera and then having a mild freak out when she realized that Pamela was holding her mother's camera.
And of all the souvenirs she could have brought me, she brought me only this: